
Position Paper

6 January 2019

Als grafisch ontwerper vind ik het erg belangrijk dat ik zoveel mogelijk zelf creëer. Ik heb een passie voor maken en doen, hoe gek het idee ook is ik wil het realiseren. In mijn ontwerpproces ben ik erg gericht op het ontwerpproces en alle stappen die hierbij komen kijken. Vaak ben ik zo gefocust op…

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Cybernetic Prosthetics

16 October 2018

Concept: Als ik naar de toekomst kijk, dan vraag ik mijzelf wel eens af hoe de wereld er uitziet. Steden van nu worden steeds meer “smart-cities” en worden steeds voller gebouwd. Het is dus mogelijk dat er over honderd jaar bijvoorbeeld helemaal geen natuur meer over is. De natuur werkt ontspannen, buiten zijn is fijn,…

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From Devices to systems

11 October 2018

  The Fire Alarm First I start taking apart the fire alarm. I thought it was really interesting to see al the parts in such a small device. When I opened it it was quite clear to see all the different parts. There was a speaker and also a sensor. After a few try’s I…

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Critical Making exercise

10 October 2018

  What if meme culture takes over and meme language would be understood by everyone?     Critical making Cards: Create a dystopic future as a result from memes. Concept: Memes zijn tegenwoordig erg populair. Je kunt nergens op het internet kijken zonder er een tegen te komen. Ook spelen ze een grote rol in…

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We’re hiring

29 April 2015

Ah, the desk. Is there any place better for an intellectual to work? The pen of the writer, the pencil of the engineer, the papers of the taxpayer—all find their heavens at the desk. So it goes to reason that cleaning up and organizing your desk is a very important idea. We’re going to start with some very basic tips, but they could make all the difference if you keep up!

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Meet Charm

12 April 2015

Ah, the desk. Is there any place better for an intellectual to work? The pen of the writer, the pencil of the engineer, the papers of the taxpayer—all find their heavens at the desk. So it goes to reason that cleaning up and organizing your desk is a very important idea. We’re going to start with some very basic tips, but they could make all the difference if you keep up!

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Hello world!

11 April 2015

Ah, the desk. Is there any place better for an intellectual to work? The pen of the writer, the pencil of the engineer, the papers of the taxpayer—all find their heavens at the desk. So it goes to reason that cleaning up and organizing your desk is a very important idea. We’re going to start with some very basic tips, but they could make all the difference if you keep up!

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We were awarded!

8 March 2015

Ah, the desk. Is there any place better for an intellectual to work? The pen of the writer, the pencil of the engineer, the papers of the taxpayer—all find their heavens at the desk. So it goes to reason that cleaning up and organizing your desk is a very important idea. We’re going to start with some very basic tips, but they could make all the difference if you keep up!

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Make It Boom

6 March 2015

Ah, the desk. Is there any place better for an intellectual to work? The pen of the writer, the pencil of the engineer, the papers of the taxpayer—all find their heavens at the desk. So it goes to reason that cleaning up and organizing your desk is a very important idea. We’re going to start with some very basic tips, but they could make all the difference if you keep up!

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Red Lights

16 January 2015

Ah, the desk. Is there any place better for an intellectual to work? The pen of the writer, the pencil of the engineer, the papers of the taxpayer—all find their heavens at the desk. So it goes to reason that cleaning up and organizing your desk is a very important idea. We’re going to start with some very basic tips, but they could make all the difference if you keep up!

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